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Experiment 1: Google translation of The Karamazov brothers.

Original language: English

Destination language: Macedonian

Seems Very Good.

Experiment 2: Big book, 145 pages, 2 min per page. Video length 9 h. But size is  reduced to 116 MB, thanks to low frame rate of generated video

Experiment 2: Big book, 550 pages, 2 min per page. Video length 11 h. But size is  reduced to 350 MB, thanks to low frame rate of generated video

Experiment 3: Book generated to be read with start/stop button click on every couple of seconds. Moving forward with alternation of start/stop button

Experiment 4: Audio Book 

Experiment 5:

Speaking Serbian with Macedonian Voice. 2 letters replaced: Ћ and Ђ.

Official transcription is with letters: Ќ and Ѓ.

However, if replaced with: Ч and Џ, sounds better.

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